A stay at Il Faetino also means admiring a wide variety of animals such as wild boars, ostriches, hares, ducks and other species. But a real rarity is represented by the collection of cocks, hens and pheasants of various nationalities, with the possibility of purchasing young specimens. The animals - from our farmhouse and not - have always been a beautiful attraction for children who, so used to city life, have very few chances to look at them closely.
For this reason, often at Il Faetino, we host groups of children to whom we explain the main characteristics of the various breeds of animals living here, their lives within a farm and their peculiarities. If you wish to organize a small trip to Il Faetino with children or just because you like animals please contact us and you can spend a wonderful day visiting the mini-zoo and taking advantage of other possibilities offered by our farm if you want.
Here at Il Faetino all animals are highly respected!